Lost Wax Cast Bronze Sculpture of a Sitting Monkey Holding a Bowl
Lost Wax Cast Bronze Sculpture of a Sitting Monkey Holding a Bowl

Lost Wax Cast Bronze Sculpture of a Sitting Monkey Holding a Bowl

$2,350 $2,500

Dimensions W: 17"  |  D: 17"  |  H: 19"
Age Contemporary
Model YN7554

A cast bronze sculpture of a Charlie the Monkey with his arms forming a bowl. This lost wax cast bronze monkey is part of our Bronze Wildlife Art collection that features eagles, lions, rhinos, stags, bears and many other animals. This cast bronze sculpture features Charlie the Monkey sitting with his arms wrapped in front of him forming a bowl.


The details on this piece are excellent, particularly his hair, eyes and face. With its bronze patina and Charlie’s wonderful smile, this monkey bowl sculpture will make a wonderful addition to a foyer or a garden where it could be used to hold plants, candy, flowers or anything else one might want to showcase.